Monday, January 16, 2012

Choir Midterm

Monet Monterroso

January 16,2012

Select Choir

Period 2

At the beginning of this year I just loved to sing but wasn’t great at it. Then coming into Select Choir I learned that I can be the greatest singer in the world. I’ve learned so much so far. Especially, when it comes to blending. I can now make my voice match any other person’s voice that is next to me. Then there’s the breathing technique, I used a lot while singing Silent Night, when you breath from your belly button and it really helps getting your sound out there clearly and on pitch. Everything I learn in class I now use it in my everyday of singing.

My favorite performance this Semester was performing for the schools in Stratford and the Holiday Concert. Going to perform in front of the kids in all the schools of Stratford was first really nerve racking. The reason I felt the nerves because they were all young kids and don’t really care about something as magical as music. So, I was scared they were going to make fun of us or just talk through the whole performance but the best thing is they didn’t. When we opened are mouths and sang Hallelujah and Man in the Mirror we grabbed there attention and kept it through the whole thing. They loved it and they applauded and clapped during Man in the Mirror. The best part was when you saw them grinning. They wanted to be able to sing just like we did. And it felt great to know that I put that spark inside them. Our choir lifted them up and made them want to join in and sing with us.

Then when we performed at the Holiday concert, we were just off the charts. We knew these songs backwards and forward and we were ready to show the people of Stratford what Bunnell’s Select choir got. It just went so perfect from the song selection, to the blending, then the chorography. We just had it all. We knew exactly what we had to do. We had our space and we were breathing correctly. It just went so beautiful. And then to top it all off we also received a standing ovation by our audience. I just couldn’t stop smiling. I’ve practiced all this time for that one moment and it was completely worth it. I am now looking forward to the next concert and what we’re going to perform.

I must conclude with stating that the First Semester went very well but I know that Second Semester will go even better. My ability for reading music will increase and with that my music vocabulary. I can’t wait to also begin again with the blog’s I really enjoy seeing what the question is and trying to answer it. My favorite blog post from First Semester would have to be the one about choosing a song and defining the meaning of it.(“Select one song from the repertoire rehearsed in class. Examine the lyrics closely and explain the underlying message of the music. How does the accompaniment part, the developed harmonies, and the melody line support the lyrics? How will choir communicate this to the audience?”) It made me analyze all our music and remind me that music is about having a special message to share with the rest of the world. Can’t wait for Second Semester!

The link to my singing video: