Monday, June 18, 2012

Final Exam

Monet Monterroso
June 18, 2012
Period. 2

    When I think about my school year in Select Choir I think about your BLONDE hair. No really, I reflect about how I was able to convey the lyrics of a song to an audience. I knew how powerful lyrics could be but I didn't know that I could do that, I thought that was only for the professionals like you. I knew music was powerful but I didn't know that I had the ability to do that when I sang. This finally hit me when we were performing at our Spring Spectacular and we were performing "Perfect" you said to sing it to someone, and I sang it to my mom. She got really emotional and I knew that I accomplished in sending the message that I wanted to.
    The best thing about this choir year is the group we had. We were all very responsible and we all understood that all of us needed to work together to make a perfect performance. Also, the Sopranos in my section, especially Ashley, really helped me improve in my performance but they critiqued me in a nice way. One of my faults is that I take things way too personal and so when somebody can critique me and not make me feel inferior I very much appreciate it.
   A challenge this year was trying out for a solo. It would've been so much easier if you picked songs that stunk like last years songs, "Ciyahamba", but no you had to pick songs like "Man in the Mirror" songs that make you feel good (and on a second note I want to say the songs you chose for us had a lot of impact on how we performed it). Then, you chose the song "I Didn't Know My Own Strength" and I couldn't resist anymore. A big battle was fought inside of me on whether I should try out for it and I was about a half of a centimeter to not trying out but I was like "I will never know unless I try. Y.O.L.O". You probably don't understand why it was such a struggle to try out for a song I loved so much but thats because I'm really rusty compared to the other people in Select. But I got over that fear and went for it and I'm glad I did even though I didn't get the solo.
    The reason why I chose the song "A Whole New World" by Aladdin is because like I said in my video you gave this song to me when we would do our vocal lessons, and those lessons meant so much to me and I'm going to miss them so much next year (I get no study hall next year). I really like this song because it's a fairytale musical like you know "The Little Mermaid" and "Beauty and the Beast" *cough cough wink wink*. Anyways, I really like this song unfortunately I couldn't do it justice: I lost my pitch through out the entire song, my jaw wasn't dropped, I had really bad breathing and diction.
    Next year I hope to be able to get a solo and I will deffinately work harder on perfecting on my techniques like breathing and dropping my jaw.
    Thank you for being my teacher this year you mean so much to me and I hope that your Summer goes as you plan it to.  : )

Link to video: